Local Fuel Co.,Inc.
Local People working for Local People

 Call us: 802-265-4417 or 518-642-2441 or 800-700-7727
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Local People Working for Local People
Local Fuel was originally founded in Granville, New York by Dick Crandall  in 1972. In 1997, two brothers from West Haven, Vermont David and Daniel Doran, were looking to add a sister company to the already existing Doran Brothers Septic family business.  Dave and Dan purchased Local Fuel from Dick. Today, Dick is still here with us and we still carry only the highest quality fuel products, which are housed at our Tank Farm in Granville, NY. 

For pricing on any of our quality products or to answer any questions you may have regarding our DISCOUNT Plan or other pricing programs, please give us a call, our friendly staff is always more than happy to assist you.   

​After hours is not a problem just call and leave us a message or if it is an Emergency delivery is available, just give us a call and leave a message on our Emergency line and we will give you a call right back. 

We service the Lakes Region of Vermont and New York. Other companies may offer similar services, but our service is the best, and comes with a personal touch. All of our employees live in the lakes region of Vermont and New York and are committed to serving their neighbors. You have to remember we are
Local People Working for Local People. 

Starting May 1 we move to a summer schedule. We    are  open Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm. In case of an Emergency you can always reach us by phone 24/7.
Committed to helping our customers.
We currently deliver to these areas in Vermont and New York:
in Vermont: Bomoseen, Benson, Castleton, Fair Haven, Hubbardton, Hydeville, Middletown Spring, Orwell, Pawlet, Poultney, West Rupert, Sudbury (Burr Pond Route 30 area), Tinmouth, Wells, West Haven, and West Pawlet.
in New York: Clemons, Comstock, Dresden, Hampton, Hebron, Fort Ann up to light, Granville, North Granville, Salem (North of Village), Raceville, South Granville, and Whitehall. 
If your area is not listed above just give ua a call.
Mastercard, Visa and Discover Cards are currently accepted